To calculate your SOaP score, the word "care" must be used as a verb - to be concerned for, or to make provision for . Making one's mark in life should involve the caring or providing for oneself and others. Where could people demonstrate or perform care? Can habits of caring be measured in order to advance personal growth? The acronym, SOaP puts a focus of assessment on three areas of caring; S elf, O thers, and P laces. The challenge of this growth assessment is to identify and measure the degree in which care is being performed or demonstrated. Current teaching philosophy and best-practices rely on frequent practice with metacognition - or knowledge of one's knowledge or performance. This could include, self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, and reflective practices. Progress can be quantified by clear learning objectives, frequent, formative assessments, and scoring rubrics that monitor skill development towards mastery. S...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.