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Showing posts from June, 2017

Update or Archive; Learning From Our Older Blog Posts

Subscribers and followers will notice a clean, new look to Nocking the Arrow . No longer do I have to be a "Blogger Apologist" to the many WordPress enthusiasts out there, as a menu of new themes recently arrived at my doorstep. In the same vein as Sites , Google has added options to create a clean, contemporary look with your blog. Google announced their new Blogger themes in March 2017. Along with the improved look and navigation, they promise better fit and functionality on mobile devices. This update has corrected the frequent crashing of the Blogger mobile app on iOS devices.  The recent arrival of these themes to my Blogger dashboard coincided with Aaron Davis 's Twitter inquiry about blogging platforms and spam blocking. It took a few years for me to get the look and function of "Nocking..." just right. It took me less than an hour to wipe out these customizations in favor of a voguish theme closely resembling beautiful views offered by blogging p...

Comments are the Marshmallows

Did you know  General Mills , as part of a contest, is giving away 10,000 boxes of Lucky Charms? Marshmallows only ! My middle-aged common sense says I need to resist this temptation, but a little space deep in my reptilian brain is screaming, " Gotta have it! " Some of you may have noticed my posts have become a bit infrequent. Where are my words going? Where am I sharing perspective? Where am I asking profound questions?  I have been spending more time in the comments section of your blogs. You may be asking, " what's Schuetz's angle here? " If you believe in the theory and math behind Reed's Law , (  2 N  −  N  − 1 ) then y ou know that the potential utility of social networks depends on all members contributing to the network. As Dean Shareski says, "It's about the sharing." Those who have mapped their web usage, inspired by David White , know resident behavior in digital places is based on interaction and deeper levels...