Depending on your approach, your learning management system (LMS) can be the most important component in your connected learning environment. This is because a high quality LMS product will support the standards recommended by NETS-S , ( National Education Technology Standards for Students ) There are many excellent LMS products that are worth considering. Our district chose Schoology as our LMS solution because of the feature-rich learning options, the digital workflow solution, and the opportunity to integrate other existing programs. NETS-S Alignment NETS-S #1 - " Creativity and Innovation " - A high-quality LMS package like Schoology will allow students to upload creative and innovative artifacts of learning. These may include pictures, video, and other digital presentations. Reports, compositions, and assessments can be submitted digitally for review and evaluation. NETS-S #2 - " Communication and Collaboration " - Schoology provides opp...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.