While growing up in nearby Rolling Meadows , I remember awakening to the sound of my parent's coffee maker percolating in the kitchen. The aroma of Hill Brothers signaled that it was time for me to wake up and get ready for school. I have never needed an alarm clock to wake me in the morning. Maybe I am the product of routine, or maybe that just makes me a morning person. After freshening up for the day, my morning routine would include a breakfast of fresh fruit and Cheerios . To this day, our family tends gather around the kitchen table. My dad was always up before the rest of us. If he was finished reading the Chicago Sun-Times , I would get a few minutes to skim the sports pages. If not, I would read whatever General Mills decided to print on our cereal boxes. My father wasn't selfish, the Sun-Times came in tabloid form so separating the reading sections wasn't an easy proposition. Three pages of sports for me meant three fewer pages of local and national ...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.