Is " learning " a noun or verb? Every dictionary tells us it's both. However, more and more, we see the word learning used as a noun. Should we be concerned about this? In a quest to gain a deeper understanding of learning in schools I have been reading samples of school vision and mission statements. Ideally, in a participatory age, learning lives as a verb. While many school missions omit the word learning entirely, others use learning as a noun paired with some other academic activity related more closely to achievement. Achievement, a term indicating successful performance, is not synonymous with learning. In a recent roundtable discussion, Will Richardson , always quick with a provocative question, asked, " Does school achievement guarantee future success? " My mom says the only guarantees in life are death and taxes, so of course, I answered no. The conversation was aimed at defining learning, and the point was the words learning ...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.