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Showing posts from January, 2018

Finding my Fingers; Learning Stories

Are you a good learner? "You've got to really want to play because your fingers don't do what they're told." says acclaimed guitarist, Mark Knopfler . His uniquely brilliant fingerstyle playing is the product of desire, determination, and practice - lots and lots of practice. Like many successful musicians ( Eric Clapton , Prince , Elton John ) Knopfler is primarily self-taught, meaning he has achieved mastery without formal training. His lengthy obsession with playing folk and blues style music trained his fingers to become, as he says, "orchestrated like those of a piano player." Providing provocation in style all his own, Will Richardson , as part of a Change.School conversation asked, " Are you a good learner? How do you know? " The backdrop of this discussion was challenging our assumptions of what we believe about schools. Stripping away the superfluous, educators should be sprouting and nurturing learners.  Reflecting on who I ...

My One Word for 2018 is Wisdom

Wisdom, according to , is "the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight." "Any fool can know. The point is to understand." This quote, often incorrectly attributed to Albert Einstein , provides an illustration of the value of understanding over knowledge. A simple search reveals this quote can be linked to the writing of mathematician, George Finlay Simmons .  Narrowing my thinking to one word is an interesting challenge. I have gained a greater appreciation for words and how the combination of words can convey meaning beyond definitions, beyond knowledge. Where are the resources for knowledge in a modern world? We purchased an Amazon Echo as a gift for my parents. "It's such a smart and funny device," says my mom. Alexa has a seemingly unlimited access to information, music, and jokes, but does she understand? Can...