Educators, and professionals in any field for that matter, will find it increasingly difficult to keep current and informed without a well-established, organized personal learning network . What is a PLN? A personal learning network is a primarily web-based collection of personal connections and learning resources. PLNs provide 24/7/365 global opportunities to gather, review, and share information. "Personalized" learning, coupled with anytime collaboration, make PLNs centerpieces for professional development. This well-crafted video explains the process, and benefits, of building a supportive PLN. Key questions for personalized learning: What do you want to learn? Who else is learning this? Who are the experts? How can I connect with like-minded people? How can I share my knowledge? Here are a few terrific resources for starting, or developing your personal learning network Connectivism & Life-long Learning The Educator
Ruminations about lifelong learning.