" Now what do I do? " is a common question from some of our teachers. They recently learned that all of the teachers in our district (1000), and just over 1/2 of our students (7000) are getting iPads at the beginning of the school year 2013-2014. I have been supplying strategies and resources to help teachers and students adjust to life as a connected learner. But as +George Couros stated in his recent blog post (" Just give me the fish "), rather than learning how to catch fish, some people just want the fish. I am taking off my Technology Coordinator's hat and putting on my teacher's cape and jumpsuit to list the steps that I would take in preparing for a 1:1 learning environment. I entered this 1:1 program voluntarily. WHY? What are my best hopes for me and my students? I want to be the lead learner in our classroom learning community. I want my students to take responsibility for their personalized learning. I want to model and reinforce ...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.