CC Image - Weebly We have incorporated a new web site built upon the Word Press platform at our school. We have changed web publishing platforms at least three times in the past several years, and this understandably leaves our teachers hesitant about learning another publishing tool. We became a "GAFE" ( Google Apps for Education ) district two months ago, and we have adopted Schoology as our learning management system. Did I mention that we are also expanding our 1:1 iPad program ? These recent changes helped convince our teachers to choose one of three recommendations for creating their classroom web pages. Create a classroom web site in Google Sites Create a classroom web site with Blogger Create a classroom site using Schoology's blog, and profile builder. These options are fairly intuitive, as well as, supportive of our existing web structures. It wasn't long after we set up training opportunities for these options, that Weebly announced it'
Ruminations about lifelong learning.