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Showing posts from April, 2016

Prince, Pizza, and Perfect Days

How many perfect days have you had? What made these days so special? Sometimes it takes years for us to realize when greatness is woven into our perfect days. "Two to three hours for delivery, seriously?", I asked the order taker on the phone. I should've known better than to try to order pizza for delivery on Superbowl Sunday. Kickoff to Superbowl Forty-One was just thirty minutes away when Dad and I hopped in the truck to pick up our pizza order. Mom reminded me to use the coupon and reminded my dad to not let me pay for the food. That's her way. We were off, racing the clock. I asked Dad, "Remember when we were down by eight and Addison Trail kicked deep to Yaacov Yisrael  in the quarterfinals?" ( A long story for another time. ) I noticed a short line as we walked towards Rosati's pick-up counter. I was worried we were going to miss the kickoff when Dad asked, "Do you think the Colts would dare kick deep?" After several minutes, ...