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Showing posts from August, 2012

1 Week into 1:1

After several months of planning meetings... Meetings about professional development, meetings about support documents, meetings about teacher proposals, meetings about devices, meetings about budget, meetings about tech support, meetings about infrastructure, meetings about distribution, meetings about learning goals...  you get the idea. Anyway, after several months of planning our 1:1 pilot, it was go time! Day One for AP Biology students Our 1:1 pilot would involve five high schools, thirty-four teachers, fifteen hundred students, and approximately 1600 iPad-2s, cases, cords, and styluses. Of course, it would involve countless hours of planning and preparation.  Typically a two to four year process, we put our proverbial foot to the floor and cranked out our pilot in nine months. With day one just a couple short weeks away, we finalized and mailed invitation letters to students and their parents informing them of their enrollment in at least one 1:1 pilot cou...