In route to Atlanta for ISTE 2014 , and I'm caught reflecting on Jennie Magiera's keynote address from earlier this week at Schoology NEXT . During her energizing presentation, she challenged us to write and share our own keynote addresses. "What are you passionate about? What is the greatest need in your school or classroom? Given the opportunity, what would you like to say?" After putting some genuine thought to these questions, my response is I am surprised, confused, and disappointed at the lack of " connectedness " of many of my educational brethren. What percentage of educators engage regularly with a personal learning network? I am not sure that I have an answer for that. Tom Whitby , co-founder of #EdChat , and Educator's PLN , is also one of my favorite bloggers. During a recent conversation, we agreed that truly connected educators are in the minority, and may number less than ten percent of the teaching workforce. An infor
Ruminations about lifelong learning.