Creative Commons Image - Pinterest You are an educator preparing your transition to a 1:1 learning environment, and you have many ideas and many questions about how student learning will improve under your guidance. Here are a few of my favorite recent posts pertaining to connected learning in a 1:1 environment. These resources may validate, or challenge, some of your ideas. They will likely answer some of your most pressing questions. If nothing else, they offer interesting summer reading, and food for thought. Enjoy and share! The Five Biggest Education Technology Trends to Know About - +Edudemic Online Learning, Alternative Credentialing Platforms, Tablets & Smartphones, E-textbooks, and Learning Management Systems - Knowing and understanding the tools and programs that can be leveraged for learning is a key to teachers keeping current while providing meaningful learning experiences for their students. The Teacher's Guides To Technology & Learning...
Ruminations about lifelong learning.