This holiday season, and in particular, holiday shopping has me put me in a reflective whirlwind. I don't particularly enjoy shopping. The crowds, the noise, and the pressure can be a real downer. When I do stretch my shopping legs, I like to do so with creativity and purpose. My teaching interests bubble to the surface as I look for just the right game, toy, or kit for inspiring thinking while providing fun, interactive learning experiences. I can hear the kids in the background, "I just want to play."
What was your favorite toy or game while growing up? Why was it your favorite?
Are some of your favorite toys the same ones that stretched your thinking and creativity? Here are several memorable toys received as Christmas gifts while growing up.
How can we provide empowering experiences with long-term impact on the learners in our schools?
Related Reading / Viewing
Educator as Maker Educator - Dr. Jackie Gerstein, SlideShare
Cool Gifts for the Digital Kid - Knowledge@Wharton
Gifts That Will Stimulate Your Child's Mind - GEMS World Academy, Chicago
Encouraging Neurodiversity in Your MakerSpace or Classroom - Edutopia, Patrick Waters
Cool Gifts for the Digital Kid - Knowledge@Wharton
Gifts That Will Stimulate Your Child's Mind - GEMS World Academy, Chicago
Encouraging Neurodiversity in Your MakerSpace or Classroom - Edutopia, Patrick Waters
photo credit (2): Gakken EX kit (Denshi Blocks) via photopin (license)